The Beauty Society

The Beauty Society
"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou

Monday, January 16, 2012

Men Are from Mars, Sporean Women are from Jupiter?

Now I really think Im overcompensating on my blogposts. But what the hell.

Today I wanna bleep about:

What's with Sporean men nowadays talking about Sporean girls being not good enough and too demanding for them?! They'll rather go for foreign brides?! Sporean girls are too materialistic. They want too many things.....???


How sexist! And so in defence to this particular remark, I've had the honoured opportunity to throw this question back at said 'Sporean man'

Me," What makes you think the problem lies with the females? Have you thought that maybe it is the men who couldn't catch up?

Heh heh heh...

'Said Sporean man' was stumped. He admitted maybe. So MAYBE he is not so sexist after all.
(Im sorry XXX!! You know who you are! Im not targeting enemic arrows at you. But if you happen to read this, Well You read it!! hhahahahah)

So right here Im not going to try to take sides, but choosing to tackle this interesting issue as a Sporean female.

Though I count myself lucky because when desperate measures are needed, I can pass myself off as some foreigner, considering I get lots of comments from people saying I look like various nationalities..... haha!!!!!!

*Waves! Im not materialistic!

So! What is it that Sporean men are looking for really? For them to be marrying foreign brides and claiming that Sporean women are 'Off'.

A Great roll in the sack?

Not mind staying in with parents after marriage because housing is too expensive?

Expecting women to work and do household chores and have babies allatthesametime?!

Wash hubbie's feet and bring slippers?

Not go on romantic dates anymore because "Im just too tired from work,says hubby"?

Expecting us to still have a whistle worthy type figure and tight skin after bearing 4 children?

Screaming at the kids while hubby sleeps on with drool coming out of mouth?

Expecting us to be understanding while he goes have fun with boys on 'Boy's night Out'?

  • The list goes on toilet roll long.....

OH my god. I get cold feet as I come up with more shit.

So my point is:

Sporean females have evolved into choosing not to take in nonsense-Ssss mentioned above. Times have changed.

So they demand ('Request' if this makes you happier :D) a fair share of contribution from hubby because a relationship/marriage is a two way traffic. What about us having to put up with men's fatal weaknesses since the ICE age then HUH?

If we have to put up with such nonsense, naturally we want monetary or material benefits to compensate us for better well being of our mind, body and soul. Technically speaking.

I would surely call this a: Cause and Effect Phenomenon.

Going for foreign less developed females just because you are afraid or JUST cannot fulfill is nothing wrong. BUT Dont just stereotype us without self reflecting on your flaws first. No one's perfect. That's what communication is for!


***Footnote: Let's cut some slack to those guys who have really met truly incorrigible materialistic girls who have got their priorities all wrong.
And also! To give some credit to those mature guys who have got their priorities all right! :)

I've said my piece.

Peace out,

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