The Beauty Society

The Beauty Society
"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou

Monday, March 26, 2012

Now That's What I call Life: "Where Im the Nut & you are the Screw"

Living in the mystery of things sometimes do have its ups & downs.
I've always prided myself to be a person of value and responsibility.
Only just recently, I've completed a simple assignment (OR so I thought) when I received a phone call saying I have an 'attitude problem'


Well, Im no saint and therefore at times, I admit I do have an Attitude problem. But NEVER on that day.

Thank god the person who conveyed the message knew me and trusted me well enough to know I was speaking the truth.
I wasn't even angry when I heard this accusation.

Annoyed? YES. (Cause I hate to be wronged)

Angry? NOPE.

Tell me: How can staying silent and nodding in consentment to every request made been an attitude problem????

HOW CAN I take responsibility for the things I don't know??!
Bloodeh hell

That said, I would willingly try to change the things that I can.

I do care about making others happy as much I can, but I wouldn't make myself unhappy and act from a fear of loss when I cannot.

I guess everyone has a right to feel cranky or moody.

-Maybe she just needed to vent some frustrations that has nothing to do with the assignment at hand.

-Maybe she just didn't feel that I was friendly and that she needed to see more smiles.
(Well I was having stomach problems. I couldnt smile when i wasn't feeling that comfortable myself. SObs!)

-Maybe it was a case of miscommunication. You know how broken telephones go.
(As it seemed to be in the end)

To add to this episode, I had a prior worse* experience that has nothing to do with humans but with nature.
Thankfully, I received great care and concern to help tide me through the day! :)

*If I typed it out here, those evil ones would be so glad for my misfortunes. So I shall leave it to my discretion!! HAHAHA BOOBOO!!

Life can be hard at times and bad happenings can erode a person's capacity to endure grief without resentment.
I try to fall back on great memories and survive when times are hard. Practice makes this easier. Im still practising.... S.L.O.W.L.Y..... MY god! it can be so hard!

That's why I never stop practising (yes, slowlyyyy). Living everyday like a pleasant surprise, balance difficult moments with joyous memories.

I choose to be honest where I would say I am imperfect, nor do I go out of my way to cover my faults.

I am perfectly imperfect. Whatever the hell this means!!!!!

Just like anyone else, I get hurt, frustrated and upset. When shit happens! I find ways to breathe... BREATHE!! BREEEAAATTHHHHEEEEEEEE...... *wheeezzzeeee (MID age crisis!) Wheeezzzzeeeee!!!!

I prefer friendlier alternatives to unproductive competition........

I am a wonderful NUT case. And PROUD of it.

Now Come over!! And be my Screw!!! ___________ (insert some swear words of your choice)

I Love my work.
I'll Love you.
(Though no guarantees I may kick your ass or swear a lil in the process) :)

*Laughs Really Really Loudly
(where someone has likened my laughter to an elephant having an orgasm....)
