The Beauty Society

The Beauty Society
"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou

Thursday, May 29, 2008

How to maintain your new curls

I realised there are many of you who have no idea on how to maintain your newly permed head of curls. Therefore I am here to save the day!!

1st, having curly hair is NOT equaled to the same maintenance for your straight hair. You need more maintenance!

P/s: please always use conditioner after shampooing your hair. I've caught a few of you not doing so! tsk tsk....

The Essentials:

1) leave in conditioner or serum
2) curl wax
3) curling thong (optional)
4) makeup


No.1. LEAVE IN CONDITIONER/SERUM---> this is to give hair a bit of gloss and shine. you don't want the hair looking like wheat.

No.2. WAX--> you need wax to keep the curls in place, to minimise the frizziness. Apply the wax, one dollop at a time, into sectioned hair until it's distributed evenly per section when hair is damp.
Detangle with finger, coat hair with wax, twist and scrunch.

Personally, i don't like using sculpting lotion or gel because when hair dries, it has the stiff noodle look. NOT appealing or sexy... I recommend Lucido hair wax for curls!

This wax revives curls and gives a strong hold without the stiffness!

If some of you don't want your curls too amplified by wax, its fine if you use more curl conditioner and a little bit of wax for softer curls.

No.3. CURLING THONG---> this is optional unless you want those really really nice bouncy waves/curls you see in magazines. If not, the wax should do a good job.
Note: Please always use a pre-heat protective styler or moouse before you thong to prevent too much moisture loss. Before you thong, make sure hair is DRY

No.4. MAKEUP---> having curls is a fine line between looking ultra sexy or ultra 'auntie'. Makeup obviously will bring out the wild cat in you. So, to be on the safe side, stick to eyeliner, mascara/falsies, blusher and peach lip shine. Basics. PERIOD.

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