Anyways! Check out the halloween pictures! What with all the fun makeup and crazy dressing...
It's the only day where you get to look UGLY/OVERLY PRETTY without feeling self conscious! Ah ha! Though for this year's Halloween, I refused to become an ugly ghost. A meek Lee-O-Pard without spots perhaps?
nnnnoooooooo im not minnie mouse....... whine.........
Preparation of Scariness:
Look at the wonderful imagination of my friend, done by Jo, and the resemblance to 'The Nightmare before Christmas' female version?
Close up...
and with me adding to their deranged ghost/doll look with a vengeance...
Chinese ghost Pian Pian in the making...
madness hair
Now for Lola, the lolita maimed doll... Woahahha! I get such a kick out of doing this! Spray her!

Striking resemblance I would say! Hmmmmm Christmas! what shall we be? Santa-rinas?
I'll be spending it in USA!
Of course we must take a photo together to the start of our ghostly adventures!
* The reason i propped my leg so high is because I want everyone to see my 5" platform high heels! Apparently not high enough...
Ahhh never mind.. so, we decided on St James, thinking the premise will actually be big enough to accommodate all the 'ghosts' out celebrating Halloween. Zouk is out (which is freaking jam packed! And MOS has since closed down..)
Me getting into the mood of scaring people.
Lola looks unperturbed..
try no avail..
A proper threesome picture before we go in
Sad to say,
The atmosphere was boring! The Powerhouse music was sucky (with awkward beats and pauses), nobody actually seemed to be dancing. Dragonfly was packed to the brim as usual, looking down from "Firefly", we decided to NOT step in and squeeze with the madness of a crowd.
However, we sure attracted lots of new friends unknowingly!
While queuing up to go into Power house, we spotted this! Mustn't let this chance of taking pictures with this "mutilated till death" ghost off!
And also for self entertainment..... muahahhah!
As you can see, Lee-o-pard (that's me) is scared.... -_-lll
Totally made full use of the green spotlight to make ourselves look 'eerie' And when the moon is full, we transform....into greenish hulks..
While we were trying to gyrate our pelvics away, we were approached by 2 males; one Afro American and the other malaysian.
They invited us over to their table for drinks.. We weren't really interested so we kept telling them later till they went off. Ha!
So, later on came this group, where the satanic female is ultra friendly... with motives???
This is eerie! shedding black tears! must have been severely upset when alive......
A satanic Chinese ghost???!!
For the gal on the right, you can see a bit of a blood stain on the edge of her mouth ..... wonder what/who she devoured?
Run Pian Pian Runnnn!!!..........
A hoody transformed into spidey! Absolutely love it! stifling hot!
In Firefly to claim our 1 Free drink and instead we got more!
Stupidity knows no boundaries... what the hell you took my ears for???!! obviously for stupid reasons....
Group of jappys out to have fun on Halloween
A Single mum out working on halloween night selling alcoholic shots according to Pian Pian..
So, she got the lame jappys to buy us drinks! Thumbs up for free alcohol!
We got a new addition..
We stayed till 4 plus 5 before Pian pian's fiance came to fetch us home...
And the next day, I got an early morning job!
Tired but still photo crazy...
Byeeeeee Lola
Byeeeeee Pian Pian
Byeeeeee Lee-O-Pard.....
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