I dislike my oily skin no matter how my friends console me that at least I won't have wrinkles that early as I age.... Yes, this consolation only made me a tiny teeny bit better. I still dislike my oily skin very much!
Whenever I have clients who tell me that their complexion is really oily, and after I see them, I will be like:
"What?! This is not Oily!!! What are you talking about!!! Compared to mine, your skin is a godsend!" type of response....
Only a handful have accurately judged their skin to be 'really' oily, in my opinion, after I have assessed them.
Well, aging seems to have helped me control my oil problems more than when I was still in my teenage and post puberty years..... But I'm still not satisfied. (yes, I'm one of those greedy humans)
So one day, I was happily surfing the net and I had no idea how, but I stumbled upon a page on a remedy to control oily skin.
It seems the info under the results page are all focusing on this one solution: (Myth or otherwise)
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Philips Milk of Magnesia |
Apparently, this is a laxative for constipation and many people who have tried it (on their skin) are extremely pleased with this unorthodox household remedy to curb oily skin!!!
I have no idea why or how people start to use this on their face.....
*Note: there are some who claims it does not work on them.
I guess you've got to try it to know it!!
*Double note: I shall NOT be responsible if your face rots.....
HEll YEA!!!!
I was excited. This may be my saviour and so I decided to bravely be the myth buster and find out if I belong to the majority!! (I was crossing my fingers)
One problem: I don't think I ever saw this in any pharmacy in Singapore. So, being the ever resourceful 'brainy whizz' and the determined curious cat, I researched on the ingredient of Phillips milk of magnesia (MOM) so that I can get the equivalent of it in our Singapore's pharmacies.... Maybe??????
The only main ingredient: Magnesium Hydroxide.
I scoured the major Guardian and Watsons and read every single medication for tummy meds.
They do not sell this particular brand and I even checked with the pharmacist.
Unfortunately, the other medications remotely similar to MOM is not exactly the same after all.
They all contain some other form of magnesium plus another ingredient, which after VERY careful consideration, I concluded I SHALL not take this stupid risk to try something DUBIOUS on MY face. ARGH!
So being a very determined person, I conveniently found out that my boyfriend's client is going to the US and I got him to help me get a bottle of the Philips MOM from there in original flavour (as recommended). I don't think I want my face to smell like weird strawberry.
So, just to play it even safer, I decided to do one more in-depth google on how the magnesium hydroxide will work on our skin. I wanted to get more concrete objective science facts than what people typed in forums subjectively.
I mean, I don't want my face to rot, do I??!!!
And I googled: Effects of magnesium hydroxide on skin.
"On your skin, you can use magnesium hydroxide to treat canker sores and to prevent excess oil buildup that causes pimples to form. Further, magnesium hydroxide can decrease the size of your facial pores and prevent dirt from clogging in your pores."
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/447570-what-are-the-health-benefits-of-magnesium-hydroxide/#ixzz2SV2av4BK
Seems like a trusted health science site! And just like what I needed!!!
I applied according to instructions from the forums.
-After moisturizer and sunblock, before foundation.
-You'll need to shake bottle well before using it.
-Apply a thin layer over oily areas; for me its mainly the T-zone and my cheeks. After awhile you'll find white streaks that will appear on the skin, which you'll just have to blend in some more with your fingers.
-Then apply your foundation or powder! I suggest patting in your liquid/powder foundation for a more even application without the powdery residue coming up.
-Avoid MOM on your eye area
Apply the rest of your makeup as normal and you are good to go!
CHECK me out:
Im so lucky!!!! (sobs with joy)
IT worked for me!!! Not only did my face not rot, the oil free effect lasted around 8 hrs or so, as seen in this picture with MOM application. Plus!!!! You don't have to splurge on this cause it's CHEAP!!
I am now a huge fan and can only keep hoping MOM does not cause strange allergies for me with prolonged use of it.
I can confidently step out with much lesser eye makeup now just as long my face is Matt the whole day, which at least makes me look fresh.
I mean for me, Matt skin with minimal eye makeup is acceptable, whereas oily skin with no eye makeup is NOT!
You can check out the reviews of other MOM users online by googling:
MOM on oily skin.
Later I found out, you can actually get this Philips MOM on www.amazon.com
It is really easy. Just read those instructions!!!
Good luck to those who are going to try this..... :)
Hi!! Any clues on where to get them in Singapore?
Hi Anonymous,
Sadly There is no equivalent of MOM in Singapore.
I suggest you either get a friend to help u out or get it from Amazon. :)
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