This one is for fashion! You never knew you can do SUCH artsy stuff with paper! It is not merely something for you to write on, or blow your mucus on or wipe your ass with.... (By that I mean tissue and toilet paper....)
Paper can be made into................................................................
Antalis is the sponsor for the paper. A german origin paper company that produces top quality, beautiful papers. Will show pics of samples later.
The show spanned over the course of 3 days.
When I first saw the different pieces of dresses half done at the 1st fitting, I was amazed! Indeed master pieces are always crafted painstakingly by hand.
My friend is the designer for the dresses. -Nicola
This is a major show for her and she called me to be the hair and makeup coordinator for this event!
A great opportunity I would say and I drew up face charts to go with the 5 different outfits.
Check it out! Check it out!
My master pieces:
I know the drawings may look weird to some of you but this is the SOP for makeup charting. AND if some of you think the makeup look weird, PLEASE just speak to my hand!
In my opinion, avante garde fashion should have avant garde hair and makeup for it to be complete.
Now the dresses:
My favourite model with The Prism dress and matchy shoes
My favourite dress:
The Origami dress
The Circle dress with matchy shoes
The Gold dress with matchy shoes
The Bridal dress; with the humongous veil
Seriously, the veil is freaking hard to attach and because it's soo heavy and we kinda worry for the model's scalp...
Thank God it didn't fall off during all 3 days of the show.
After wearing the dresses, the models cannot go to the toilet nor sit down nor make big movements.
Well well well, the sacrifices one makes for the noble causes of ART.
Me and partner Christina who helped me complete all models smoothly.
We totally had fun and Antalis had also set up a huge paper booth showcasing the different sculptures made by different designers from their paper.
Check them out:
(I apologise for the poor resolution of the pics.)
Skin Tape
Curious Translucent
Dear Alice
Paper tray
I dream of Summer
Ultimate white
The flower origami I hand made meself!!! I learnt it by donating $2 to the world of wildlife fund.
*super proud*!
Lastly to camwhore with my origami flower.... :D do I look like 花痴?