Here's my ex link card, stamped on by hello kitty in kimono style!
My kitty pouch mainly for Junk papers and handphone.
My very most reluctant key guardian.. Just look at his frown.
He almost got attacked by a pug.. Whew! Pug tried to swipe it off the back of my pocket when he was dangling precariously.
Yea! Cheesy Hello kity and other what nots: Grumpy Care bear. Absolute favourite!
Lastly, fur ball dangling on my handphone.. I had this for the longest time.
I love furry stuff!
Who will guess with an ah lian (and so they say) face like mine, I'll like having accessories like these?
People often think that I'm the typical materialistic girl who only goes for expensive stuff and won't be caught dead using stuff like these... Yea Right! I'm a girl with a lot of materials/clutter.
Who says a grown girl cannot bond with her inner child. :D
What's most important is that I carry them with style. These are all part of my own style and I love them to bits!
Ain't Mickey Mouse still famous and well liked after all these years among the young and old alike?
Im so proud that I'll probably carry these with me around for the next ten years or so!
Well.... if I had to hide them, I'll keep them in my deep big bag or something... LOL!
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