A pious man explained to his followers:
It is evil to take lives. I drop my net in the lake and scoop out a hundered fishes. I place the fishes on the bank, where they flop and twirl.
"Don't be scared," I tell those fishes. "I am saving you from drowning."
Soon enough, the fishes grow calm and lie still. Yet sad to say, I am always too late. The fishes expire.
And because it is evil to waste anything, I take those dead fishes to market and I sell them for a good price.
With the money I receive, I buy more nets so I can save more fishes.
I am an artist. I Create things. Sometimes I'm More than that. I Bitch. I Love. I Laugh. I Cry
The Beauty Society

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou
Monday, January 23, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
A wise man once said this,
"You can never go back in time to make a brand new start but you can always make a brand new ending starting from now".
I came across this particular quote from a website and it just struck me on the true meaning of the verse.
We don't have the ability to choose the surroundings or family in which we grew up in, but we can definitely make better choices in our lives so we won't have regrets....
Many people, at the age of 50/60/70 or so always tink: [wat if] when I was younger and I chose to do this or that, I WOULD HAVE been a _______ or I might have gotten my dream car etc etc.
Or worse still:
This! cannot be done! Or else, I would have done so long ago..(*note: when probed, they will say they have never tried doing it before, just "felt" that it cannot be done) and normally, they are the uncles/aunties who sit, propping their leg up on the chair in the coffeeshop, digging their noses and drinking beer, complaining about injustifications done to them.
Familiar right?
Whereas for the pessimistic, when faced with problems, they sit by, doing nothing, allowing the calamity to befall them, without fail, saying: "no choice what. life still has to go on...."
And when you give them a solution to get out of this shit, they tell you: Im already stuck here, how else do you want me to move??!!
Sometimes I ask myself: what is actually wrong here??
It is really disturbing sometimes...
But then I learnt:
There are only 2 types of businesses.
1) My business
2) Mind my own business
That is, only to give advice and suggestions when asked. Otherwise, let people live their own lives and make their own decisions and mistakes.
*Note: This does not mean I don't care for my friends or family.
But it sure doesn't help for me to be living in their lives instead of my own.
Don't we always are guilty of getting carried away by other people's drama or emotions making ourselves upset when we don't get what we want?
It is never easy, but often times I believe it is possible by giving myself gentle reminders, for I am still learning too. :)
Lastly, Not forgetting this very strong and meaningful phrase taught to me by someone wise:
The day you stop learning is the day you stop earning and The day you think you have learned enough is the start of your downfall...
(YOOHOO!!! Especially for those ego driven people out there!! * WAVES!!)
I have a friend, who told me this funny scenario: people always like to think negative in the right times and think positive in the bad times...
E.g When the shares market or economic market is doing badly, people wil think: Aiyo, don't think it'll be that bad la. Government says everything will be ok...don't worry... and then they start to pray.
So when finally, the market crashes, you will then read up alot on people jumping off tall buildings in the papers...
And when economic progress is looking good, people worry still, that it's too good to be true and they start doing funny things like short changing themselves and making impulsive decisions, living in self denial, thus again leading to their downfall.. AGAIN.
Yes... Ironic isn't it??
Have a great *HUMP day everyone!!!
*Wednesday is Hump day according to this friend of mine.
Just cause it's mid week and after we cross the bump, TGIF comes and its "Weeeeee" down the slope, all the way! :D
Smoochies & Kissies,
A wise man once said this,
"You can never go back in time to make a brand new start but you can always make a brand new ending starting from now".
I came across this particular quote from a website and it just struck me on the true meaning of the verse.
We don't have the ability to choose the surroundings or family in which we grew up in, but we can definitely make better choices in our lives so we won't have regrets....
Many people, at the age of 50/60/70 or so always tink: [wat if] when I was younger and I chose to do this or that, I WOULD HAVE been a _______ or I might have gotten my dream car etc etc.
Or worse still:
This! cannot be done! Or else, I would have done so long ago..(*note: when probed, they will say they have never tried doing it before, just "felt" that it cannot be done) and normally, they are the uncles/aunties who sit, propping their leg up on the chair in the coffeeshop, digging their noses and drinking beer, complaining about injustifications done to them.
Familiar right?
Whereas for the pessimistic, when faced with problems, they sit by, doing nothing, allowing the calamity to befall them, without fail, saying: "no choice what. life still has to go on...."
And when you give them a solution to get out of this shit, they tell you: Im already stuck here, how else do you want me to move??!!
Sometimes I ask myself: what is actually wrong here??
It is really disturbing sometimes...
But then I learnt:
There are only 2 types of businesses.
1) My business
That is, only to give advice and suggestions when asked. Otherwise, let people live their own lives and make their own decisions and mistakes.
*Note: This does not mean I don't care for my friends or family.
But it sure doesn't help for me to be living in their lives instead of my own.
Don't we always are guilty of getting carried away by other people's drama or emotions making ourselves upset when we don't get what we want?
It is never easy, but often times I believe it is possible by giving myself gentle reminders, for I am still learning too. :)
Lastly, Not forgetting this very strong and meaningful phrase taught to me by someone wise:
The day you stop learning is the day you stop earning and The day you think you have learned enough is the start of your downfall...
(YOOHOO!!! Especially for those ego driven people out there!! * WAVES!!)
I have a friend, who told me this funny scenario: people always like to think negative in the right times and think positive in the bad times...
E.g When the shares market or economic market is doing badly, people wil think: Aiyo, don't think it'll be that bad la. Government says everything will be ok...don't worry... and then they start to pray.
So when finally, the market crashes, you will then read up alot on people jumping off tall buildings in the papers...
And when economic progress is looking good, people worry still, that it's too good to be true and they start doing funny things like short changing themselves and making impulsive decisions, living in self denial, thus again leading to their downfall.. AGAIN.
Yes... Ironic isn't it??
Have a great *HUMP day everyone!!!
*Wednesday is Hump day according to this friend of mine.
Just cause it's mid week and after we cross the bump, TGIF comes and its "Weeeeee" down the slope, all the way! :D
Smoochies & Kissies,
Monday, January 16, 2012
Men Are from Mars, Sporean Women are from Jupiter?
Now I really think Im overcompensating on my blogposts. But what the hell.
Today I wanna bleep about:
What's with Sporean men nowadays talking about Sporean girls being not good enough and too demanding for them?! They'll rather go for foreign brides?! Sporean girls are too materialistic. They want too many things.....???
How sexist! And so in defence to this particular remark, I've had the honoured opportunity to throw this question back at said 'Sporean man'
Me," What makes you think the problem lies with the females? Have you thought that maybe it is the men who couldn't catch up?
Heh heh heh...
'Said Sporean man' was stumped. He admitted maybe. So MAYBE he is not so sexist after all.
(Im sorry XXX!! You know who you are! Im not targeting enemic arrows at you. But if you happen to read this, Well You read it!! hhahahahah)
So right here Im not going to try to take sides, but choosing to tackle this interesting issue as a Sporean female.
Though I count myself lucky because when desperate measures are needed, I can pass myself off as some foreigner, considering I get lots of comments from people saying I look like various nationalities..... haha!!!!!!
*Waves! Im not materialistic!
So! What is it that Sporean men are looking for really? For them to be marrying foreign brides and claiming that Sporean women are 'Off'.
A Great roll in the sack?
Not mind staying in with parents after marriage because housing is too expensive?
Expecting women to work and do household chores and have babies allatthesametime?!
Wash hubbie's feet and bring slippers?
Not go on romantic dates anymore because "Im just too tired from work,says hubby"?
Expecting us to still have a whistle worthy type figure and tight skin after bearing 4 children?
Screaming at the kids while hubby sleeps on with drool coming out of mouth?
Expecting us to be understanding while he goes have fun with boys on 'Boy's night Out'?
OH my god. I get cold feet as I come up with more shit.
So my point is:
Sporean females have evolved into choosing not to take in nonsense-Ssss mentioned above. Times have changed.
So they demand ('Request' if this makes you happier :D) a fair share of contribution from hubby because a relationship/marriage is a two way traffic. What about us having to put up with men's fatal weaknesses since the ICE age then HUH?
If we have to put up with such nonsense, naturally we want monetary or material benefits to compensate us for better well being of our mind, body and soul. Technically speaking.
I would surely call this a: Cause and Effect Phenomenon.
Going for foreign less developed females just because you are afraid or JUST cannot fulfill is nothing wrong. BUT Dont just stereotype us without self reflecting on your flaws first. No one's perfect. That's what communication is for!
***Footnote: Let's cut some slack to those guys who have really met truly incorrigible materialistic girls who have got their priorities all wrong.
And also! To give some credit to those mature guys who have got their priorities all right! :)
I've said my piece.
Peace out,
Today I wanna bleep about:
What's with Sporean men nowadays talking about Sporean girls being not good enough and too demanding for them?! They'll rather go for foreign brides?! Sporean girls are too materialistic. They want too many things.....???
How sexist! And so in defence to this particular remark, I've had the honoured opportunity to throw this question back at said 'Sporean man'
Me," What makes you think the problem lies with the females? Have you thought that maybe it is the men who couldn't catch up?
Heh heh heh...
'Said Sporean man' was stumped. He admitted maybe. So MAYBE he is not so sexist after all.
(Im sorry XXX!! You know who you are! Im not targeting enemic arrows at you. But if you happen to read this, Well You read it!! hhahahahah)
So right here Im not going to try to take sides, but choosing to tackle this interesting issue as a Sporean female.
Though I count myself lucky because when desperate measures are needed, I can pass myself off as some foreigner, considering I get lots of comments from people saying I look like various nationalities..... haha!!!!!!
*Waves! Im not materialistic!
So! What is it that Sporean men are looking for really? For them to be marrying foreign brides and claiming that Sporean women are 'Off'.
A Great roll in the sack?
Not mind staying in with parents after marriage because housing is too expensive?
Expecting women to work and do household chores and have babies allatthesametime?!
Wash hubbie's feet and bring slippers?
Not go on romantic dates anymore because "Im just too tired from work,says hubby"?
Expecting us to still have a whistle worthy type figure and tight skin after bearing 4 children?
Screaming at the kids while hubby sleeps on with drool coming out of mouth?
Expecting us to be understanding while he goes have fun with boys on 'Boy's night Out'?
The list goes on toilet roll long.....
So my point is:
Sporean females have evolved into choosing not to take in nonsense-Ssss mentioned above. Times have changed.
So they demand ('Request' if this makes you happier :D) a fair share of contribution from hubby because a relationship/marriage is a two way traffic. What about us having to put up with men's fatal weaknesses since the ICE age then HUH?
If we have to put up with such nonsense, naturally we want monetary or material benefits to compensate us for better well being of our mind, body and soul. Technically speaking.
I would surely call this a: Cause and Effect Phenomenon.
Going for foreign less developed females just because you are afraid or JUST cannot fulfill is nothing wrong. BUT Dont just stereotype us without self reflecting on your flaws first. No one's perfect. That's what communication is for!
***Footnote: Let's cut some slack to those guys who have really met truly incorrigible materialistic girls who have got their priorities all wrong.
And also! To give some credit to those mature guys who have got their priorities all right! :)
I've said my piece.
Peace out,
My Awesome Step over into 2012
I admit. Im a procrastinator For I am only Human. And A very Flawed one indeed.
Thus 'The' New Year Resolution of 2012. To Start My Blog entry With :
How I Transited over to 2012 With a Bang.
~~~Virgin Surf Trip In Cherating Malaysia with a bunch of piggy doggy friends! as the chinese saying goes:
It was the Most Awesome New year ever!!! Very likely cos its not spent in Singapore doing sticky yucky boring countdowns..
Anyway Surfing is highly recommended for the mind, body and soul.
Mind being ---Peace and tranquility just sitting on your surf board, staring out to sea and watching the waves with no fear of drowning cos the board floats.
Secondly, water level is just up to waist level!
Body being---You get a great tan albeit abit too wrinkled and shrivelly....
Soul being--- Smack in the face of nature. Away from the mundane, the rat race and the nonsensical.
Soooo, Introducing the gang with a bang *Drum Roll*
From left: Sebastian (Mini, cos of his tinny eyes not seen here), Zanne, Moi, & Stanley (Fire cos There's fire in his eyes, not seen here either)
I wonder what's with eyes nowadays.
Off WE go in the wee hours of the morning for the drive up to Cherating! Yahoooo!!
Some cheesy pics we took along the way
We were really really nervous for our surf adventure. We aren't good swimmers. AT ALL
How we were actually taught to surf is that, the instructor first told us to try out the board on the sand to determine which stance we will be using i.e right /left foot in front. Goofy vs Natural stance.
And off we go dragging our boards like canines into the water! Macho comes with us.
Further and further we go and then we were taught how to watch the waves.
So when the right one is coming along, WE jump onto our boards quickly and paddle towards shore as fast we can. Macho then helps us along by giving us a strong push, so when the wave breaks and crashes against our boards, there is a force great enough for us to stand up and balance and surf the wave!!!
WE did this for 4 hours straight.
Freaking great experience. I was dying from the cramps in my muscles. But Still I clung on, to my board.
At the end of it all, I got horrible abrasions on my elbows, knees and toes.
*Plus, I got whacked on the chin by the board on the 2nd day of surfing. It made me see double + stars. Cut inner cheek and swollen chin. WTH.
Thus 'The' New Year Resolution of 2012. To Start My Blog entry With :
How I Transited over to 2012 With a Bang.
~~~Virgin Surf Trip In Cherating Malaysia with a bunch of piggy doggy friends! as the chinese saying goes:
It was the Most Awesome New year ever!!! Very likely cos its not spent in Singapore doing sticky yucky boring countdowns..
Anyway Surfing is highly recommended for the mind, body and soul.
Mind being ---Peace and tranquility just sitting on your surf board, staring out to sea and watching the waves with no fear of drowning cos the board floats.
Secondly, water level is just up to waist level!
Body being---You get a great tan albeit abit too wrinkled and shrivelly....
Soul being--- Smack in the face of nature. Away from the mundane, the rat race and the nonsensical.
Soooo, Introducing the gang with a bang *Drum Roll*
From left: Sebastian (Mini, cos of his tinny eyes not seen here), Zanne, Moi, & Stanley (Fire cos There's fire in his eyes, not seen here either)
I wonder what's with eyes nowadays.
Off WE go in the wee hours of the morning for the drive up to Cherating! Yahoooo!!
Some cheesy pics we took along the way
I was caught on candid camera snoozing. Im only thankful my mouth was closed and I wasn't drooling. Thanks to Mini for sure!
I was trying to prove that Fire is not a cm taller than 169cm.... heh heh heh
Mini is tall. I am jealous.
The Beach!!
We were really really nervous for our surf adventure. We aren't good swimmers. AT ALL
Adding on to the already nervous tension. I have no idea what he was trying to do at that time. hahhah
We were supposed to be watching a safety video on surfing.
As you can see, I look really really nervous.
The boards are really heavy!!!
Our Awesome instructor!
Here WE are coming!
Fire got soo Good He managed to surf 3 boards at one go. *kowtow*
That's me! :D I managed to actually surf! Im on cloud 9
And off we go dragging our boards like canines into the water! Macho comes with us.
Further and further we go and then we were taught how to watch the waves.
So when the right one is coming along, WE jump onto our boards quickly and paddle towards shore as fast we can. Macho then helps us along by giving us a strong push, so when the wave breaks and crashes against our boards, there is a force great enough for us to stand up and balance and surf the wave!!!
WE did this for 4 hours straight.
Freaking great experience. I was dying from the cramps in my muscles. But Still I clung on, to my board.
At the end of it all, I got horrible abrasions on my elbows, knees and toes.
*Plus, I got whacked on the chin by the board on the 2nd day of surfing. It made me see double + stars. Cut inner cheek and swollen chin. WTH.
These captions were not untrue....
Fire, being cheesy, stuffed a pack of clothes into his suit cause our hands were all busy carrying our boards.
So, to entertain our sick appetite for ugly pictures, he gamely posed this for us.
It was hilarious!!!
Fire is very upset the board is weighing 'his already not so impressive' height down.
The snacks and booze we brought. Thanks to the thief like escapade of removing them from Fire's dad's humble abode....... (the booze ---> the Macallen + 2 bottles of Red wine)
We stopped him by flailing our arms desperately from the open car window....
We are happy with our Icees :D
At this moment, we were discussing something really serious here. Trying to enlighten Fire how tampons work. And If The tampon will work for me when I go in the water to surf?!!! Hell!!!
After we have come to a conclusion and I was satisfied and convinced, We say cheese for the camera.
Happy Three Friends.
And so, More cheesy nonsense from Mini.
This is only one part.
I just don't understand why they like to take pics of people snoozing....
By this time, we were mostly high & tipsy with the exception of Mini. Cause he is a damn good drinker. Poor him. We played silly games that got us roaring with lots of crazy laughter. Laughter is the best medicine. WEll, at least for me.
A good example of the pic here. The challenge to stay unblurred while the cammie snaps in succession..
Loser Drinks!
Loser Drinks!
FYI, Fire happens to be the weakest link in the night's games. Hilarious to the max. And have you tried to play charades with a very tipsy person ??? LOL
You gotta try it to love it!
Besides, we loved the whole experience so much that we are probably going to organise another trip !!! Yippee!!!
One Life. Live it.
To Surf with Love,
Gerra :)
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