Why not Zouk? You ask.
1) Said donkey years ago, I went to Zouk with a couple of friends where an event was taking place (can't remember what though). It was jammed packed and I had to grip onto my friends' hand tightly so I would not lose him/her (him in front of me pulling me trying to cut Q, me trying to pull her in so we wouldn't get lost) The crowd was wild and mad, they slice through wherever and whenever they can. We got pretty squashed up!
Unfortunately, my guy friend got separated from us and he got in! We were horribly stuck outside and he can't come out to get us! Not after his successful attempt of getting in! It wasn't even free entry and the fee was mad expensive. Considering the music wasn't any fantastic.
2) Entrance fee freaking expensive for lousy music.
3) Pay 1 get into 3 places? (shouldn't be that bad right?) NAH! Velvet sucks; even worse music. Phuture? (come on! my living room is bigger than that!) forget it!
4) On top of freaking expensive entrance, there is a price increase now for Zouk. WTF.
Anyways, we still trooped off to Zouk cos the guys supposedly had reserved tables inside... Oh well, Im outnumbered so I followed.
Upon arrival, there was definitely a crowd. but it wasn't as nightmarish as I thought.
Thank God!
There was a very long Queue for the costume line as people hope to get in free when they are dressed in full costume at club's discretion.
We didn't want to get stranded forever so we opted to pay. $%^%&^&!!! $30n for girls and $38 for guys through velvet..
Paying is fine but not for lousy ungrovable music!!! ROAR!!!
OH! Hell.... Anyways, this year I decided to be a cupid. (An evil one)
Many have mistaken me for an angel.... Well I had halo and wings minus bow and arrow.... I substituted my bow and arrow for a pitchfork!! Should have gotten a bow huhs?!
Sinister makeup
Like this:

That's me on the right and Evan on the left! Mine does not look as scary as compared to Evan's! (because I wanted to still look good despite being a scary cupid)
I helped her do her makeup with reference from a pic!
Prior to that, the group of us took a super long time to get ourselves ready at Jo's place. But hey, it IS the dressing up process that makes it FUN!

Evan cam whoring after makeup.
Scary cool!!

Some of my company at zouk.
My oldest friends !! Im so looking forward to next year already!

I told you I was evil... ahhhahahhahahhaha

So called 'twin' of mine who was gyrating grostequely out of beat on the podium. She has become an eyesore after 5 mins and Jo suggested we should go up and drag her down.
OR maybe............... Poke her down with my pitchfork, considering Im her evil twin!
I was laughing so hard, tears came out.....
You can see from pic I truly am turned off and trying to bust her out with my fork!
Oh no. it is not in PEACe..... My friends say she looks too old for her dressing....... OH meanie meanie!!!!!!!!!

Hell yeah! We conquered the podium.
On to other more interesting stuff, like CAMWHORING!!!

So jealous of good quality feathers unlike my cardboard ones. *SULK*

And I stole someone else's beard and became Luciferine! (female version of Lucifer)
I love it cos it looked so WHacky and androgynous!

How about an additional moustache??
In the end, our supposedly reserved tables, which are actually 2 round tables with no seats (well? what do you expect from Zouk?) got taken over by a group of others!!! #$#%$%%$^ So much for reserved tables. No choice, apparently their liquors were bigger than ours lo!!!

Jealous people trying to yank my beard off!!! Buzz off !
After that it got sooo packed we were unable to move. Music was still lousy and after at about 2am, we all decided to go eat Bak Kut Teh!!
It was fun because of wonderful company!
Lets go to bigger places next time!! :D